
PROUD OF WHO WE ARE Scroll Down INITIAL CHALLENGE The confinement caused by COVID19 brought society to a standstill. And DYC, as the only Spanish whisky brand in the category, wanted to be closer to people than ever, given the dramatic moment we were all living through. REFRAMING For...

Pre-order your next round #FUERZABAR Scroll Down INITIAL CHALLENGE Reacting to the severe consequences that the pandemic was causing in the Spanish hospitality industry during the March...

In a declining category such as rum and at a time when Brugal was anchored to an audience from 10 years ago, our challenge was to make Brugal a significant brand within its category and, above all, reconnect emotionally with young people....

EDP, the main sponsor of popular races in Spain, saw how, due to the pandemic, all mass events were suspended, including all races sponsored by them. How to continue creating brand value without these sponsorships?...

RE_ BY SHISEIDO SHISEIDO Scroll Down INITIAL CHALLENGE Shiseido is well known for its range of facial care products, but its make-up items had been more overlooked by its audience. So, the question was, how to make everyone discover Shiseido's makeup range? REFRAMING Shiseido's make-up range breaks away from the...

The feminist associations Women for Equality and Men for Gender Equality (AHIJE) asked us to launch an awareness-raising campaign on gender equality. But how to make enough noise to be relevant in a conversation that has been going on for years? ...


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