This website is the responsibility of TANGO COMUNICACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA, S.L. with NIF B86833522, a company domiciled at Calle Balbina Valverde, 15, 28002, Madrid, registered in the Madrid Mercantile Registry in volume 31543, page 150, section 8, sheet M-567687 (hereinafter, TANGO).


The entity respects the privacy rights of its Users and recognizes the importance of protecting the personal data collected about its Users.

The purpose of this document is to inform the Users of the website about the processing of personal data carried out on this website.


What data is processed

By simply accessing the website, the entity collects the IP address and other data related to the connection and its origin.

The IP address is a code that identifies the User’s internet connection at a specific time.

Only the User’s internet service provider can identify the subscriber who was assigned a specific IP address at a particular time.

By the very nature of the server that supports the website, the User’s IP address is automatically recorded along with the date and time of access.

What this data is used for

These data are used solely to manage the normal use of the website and to perform statistical analyses on the use of the website.

Recipients of the data

The entity does not provide this information to any third party unless required by current legislation (e.g., an official request within the framework of a police investigation).

Lawful processing

The legal basis for the processing of the IP address is the technological necessity to enable the provision of the website.

Data processing period

IP addresses will be stored for a period of 1 month.


Data protection regulations guarantee Users the following rights:

Access: Allows the User to know what information is held, where it was obtained from, to whom it has been provided, and for what purposes it has been processed.

Rectification: Allows the User to correct any erroneous or out-to-date data.

Deletion: Allows the User to ensure that their data is no longer processed.

Objection: Allows the User to ensure that their data is no longer used for a specific purpose.

Restriction: Allows the User to restrict the processing of their data, but in such a way that they are kept for a subsequent purpose.

Portability: Allows the User to obtain a copy of his / her data in electronic format and, in certain circumstances, request that it be communicated to another service provider. It only applies to computerized processing carried out with the User’s consent or to fulfill a contract.

Withdrawal of consent: Allows the User to withdraw the consent they have given for the processing of their data.

These rights require the possibility of identifying the User requesting them and linking his or her identity to the data processed by the entity.

However, the entity cannot establish this link with any of the data it processes by simply accessing the website, unless the User is able to provide certain documentation that allows his or her identification (e.g., a certificate from his or her internet service provider indicating the IP address assigned to the User at a specific date and time).

Users are informed that they may exercise the aforementioned rights before the entity, as well as revoke their consent for the processing, by postal mail to the above address or by email to

If Users wish further information in this regard or consider that their right to data protection has been violated, they may contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency (


Cookies and similar

The entity uses cookies and other similar storage and data retrieval mechanisms in terminal equipment (hereinafter, cookies).

Cookies are files downloaded to the User’s browser that can be read later by the entity. In this way, cookies allow various functionalities, such as recognizing a User who has previously accessed the website and performing analyses on the use of the web service to improve it.

However, it is not possible to determine the User’s identity from the cookies used by the entity unless the User provides additional information through other means that could be linked to the cookies that have been downloaded.

For more information, see the [Cookie Policy].

Contact section

TANGO will process the data provided by the user through the contact email to address the contact request.

Legal basis: The legal basis that legitimizes the processing is the consent of the user expressed at the time of sending their contact request.

Retention period: The data will be processed for the time necessary to resolve the user’s contact request. They will subsequently be blocked and kept for 3 years to address any potential liabilities arising from the processing.

The consent given can be withdrawn and rights exercised at any time, as indicated in the data subjects’ rights section of this Privacy Policy.

Candidates form

TANGO will process the personal data provided by the User by means of their resume to manage TANGO’s personnel selection processes.

Legal basis: The legal basis that legitimizes the processing is the consent given by the User at the time of sending their CV.

Retention period: The data will be retained for 1 year.

The User may withdraw the consent given and exercise their rights at any time, as indicated in the section on the rights of interested parties in this Privacy Policy.


If the User has any questions about the information collected in our Privacy Policy, they can send an email to:


Todos los campos son obligatorios… you know…