Promoting a more childlike approach in an overly adult world



On Pikolin’s 75th anniversary, the brand wanted to invite Spanish society to wake up with enthusiasm, doing what we are passionate about as soon as we wake up, just like many children do. That’s why, in its TV campaign, children were the main characters. The challenge was how to convey this campaign message beyond its TV spots.

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We conducted a study that helped us to discover that it is in the mornings when adults start to lose their enthusiasm, when they encounter the pessimistic and polarized news about current affairs. That is why we needed to influence the spaces that contribute the most to Spaniards’ loss of enthusiasm: the morning newsshows.


Turn the children in the TV spots into an inspiring editorial team for media audiences, appealing them to face life with enthusiasm every morning. We did this in three different ways in the most consumed media: digital, radio, and press.

We created a series of branded content pieces on radio in Carlos Alsina’s program “Más de Uno,” in digital format in Ángel Martín’s online Mini-News, and even in newspapers like ABC, with opinion columns written by children.


1.5 million people heard these positive news on Carlos Alsina’s program (Más de Uno) on Onda Cero.

2X the views of Ángel Martín’s Mini-News.

1.6M digital readers impacted through columns and interventions in ABC.

Leader in spontaneous awareness with 74.8% share.

+19 points difference in TOM compared to the second competitor.

Spontaneous awareness: 92.4% of the impacted population vs. 73.6% of the non-impacted population.

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