More health, more pharmacy


To launch Welnia, the Cofares Group’s new digital platform, as the leading digital pharmaceutical marketplace. Welnia offers greater accessibility to the end consumer and business synergies for traditional pharmacies, maximizing the values of proximity, trust, credibility, and convenience.


We needed a plan to bring the value of the traditional pharmacy (credibility, proximity and trust) to the digital environment, where consumers come in search of convenience and low prices. The Cofares network, with more than 15,000 affiliated pharmacies, offered us the legitimacy to do so in the face of competitors such as Amazon or Google.

We thus not only helped to digitise pharmacies by boosting the growth of their business, but also capitalised on the online parapharmacy offer, with many players, bringing the relationship of trust and advice that already exists between pharmacists and their customers to the digital plane, while also protecting the traditional business.


We created the concept “More Health, More Pharmacy” with a brand plan that covered all critical touchpoints of the consumer journey. We combined awareness, brand building and education actions as well as business and lead generation actions. In this way we built an efficient launch plan. The actions included in the plan were:

  • Generation of editorial content for own media
  • Influencer management
  • Paid plan in Social Media.
  • Branded content in editorial platforms: Prisa and Vocento
  • Performance campaigns for key commercial milestones
  • Sponsorship of events
  • Traffic at the point of sale: traditional pharmacies


Reach: 13.3M – Interactions: +101k – Engagement Rate: 4% – Comments: 20.4k – Page views: 335k – Time spent on site: 8:48 min


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