The Macallan


To create, through an unrepeatable personal experience, a brand experience to launch the new exclusive limited-edition bottle to the media, placing the brand’s own creativity and craftsmanship at the centre of the communication.

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This new bottle, worth 125,000 euros, was much more than a product, it was a work of art. It had to be put in the place it deserved, creating an exclusive experience that money could not buy, where it would stand out alongside other great works of art and celebrate and experience the brand’s savoir faire around the most prestigious liquid The Macallan had ever created.


“Inside the Art” was a unique experience for the senses, in which The Macallan exclusively opened three of the most prestigious private art collections at the homes of Teresa Sapey & Nicoletta Negrini, Gadea López de la Serna and Candela Álvarez Solderilla, together with three great Michelin star chefs (Iván Cerdeño, Javier Estévez and Rodrigo de la Calle) to create a perfect cycle of pairing events. The guests were influencers, art experts and luxury lovers, including Ana Boyer, Boris Izaguirre, Eugenia Silvia and Fabiola Martínez, along with a lavish collaboration with Bentley.


1.7M Social Media impressions, 13 press publications and 6 TV publications.
Achieving 2% engagement, €1.5M PR Value and 572% ROI.


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