To revalue the downtown area of Madrid, represented by the Cava Baja, raising the quality perception of the area’s gastronomy, which has been devalued by the low-quality tourist offer.


Restoring the essence of the Cava Baja: one of the most emblematic places in Madrid that had become a tourist theme park, blurring, losing the Madrid identity that it had always had thanks to its history, due to its authentic and traditional origins.

We had to reposition this emblematic area as a meeting place, a place of gastronomy, art and culture, of a vibrant and constantly changing city. A place where you can always discover something to explore.


A tribute to Lucio by the business owners and residents of Cava Baja in Madrid as an icon of Madrid’s culinary scene. An event promoted by the La Latina Business Association (ADELA) and the Madrid City Council, framed in the week of Lucio’s 90th birthday. It became an essential event for numerous restaurateurs and residents of the La Latina neighborhood, as well as some of Madrid’s greatest and most renowned chefs. Lucio’s fellow chefs joined this tribute by reinterpreting his famous Huevos rotos (broken eggs) which were available for two weeks under the reference “Tribute to Lucio.” This was the starting point of a global strategy defined by several actions focusing on different emblems of this traditional neighbourhood of Madrid.


194 impacted media, cumulative audience of 118,318,058, with a PR VPE of 1,167,889.39€ out of 3MM€.


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